



WFS Came to Be

In a world with over one billion smartphone users, we want our games to have unprecedented global reach. Whether it’s the high school student waiting on a Shibuya Station platform, the waitress in South Africa relaxing before her shift starts, the businessman in the high-rise Manhattan office killing time before his next meeting, or the children gathering to play together in an Indian village, we live in a world where anyone, anywhere can enjoy games. If only we could share our own games with those people worldwide; if only we could be the reason for their delight, their joy, their passion, and help them connect with their friends... These were the thoughts that sparked the vision for our future.

These days, it feels like there’s a new game on the market almost every day. With so much choice, it’s not uncommon for games to fade into obscurity without making a splash, and it’s rare for a game to truly surprise us with new and exciting ways to play. Against this backdrop, we came up with three standards that we want all of our games to achieve. Only by keeping these standards in mind will we be able to realize the vision that we dream of for our future.

  • To create games that use new concepts and experiences to delight and fascinate players.
  • To create games that appeal to our players all over the world.
  • To create games that excel, never compromising on quality.

We believe that we can only consider a game to be successful if the players enjoy it. As such, we promise to only make games that we truly believe to be fun and exciting, and which adhere to the standards above.

For us, it doesn't matter what the latest trend is or what other companies might be doing. We are focussed on one goal alone: to keep making games with unique concepts, delighting our players and providing endless entertainment to our fans around the world.



Company Name
WFS, Inc.
February 21st, 2014
Yota Yanagihara
Roppongi Hills Gate Tower, 6-11-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032, Japan